You want to build a GraphQL API from a PostgreSQL schema in an automated way.
- PostGraphile - builds a GraphQL API from a PostgreSQL schema in seconds.
- AWS Aurora PostgreSQL - instance with existing DB schema.
Applicable use-cases
- GraphQL APIs for СRUD operations on existing PostgreSQL DB schema.
Install Dependencies
CDK tooling, Lambda, Shared Layer:
yarn install --dev \
pg \
postgraphile \
@graphile-contrib/pg-simplify-inflector \
graphql@14.0.2 \
CDK tooling:
yarn install appsync-schema-converter
Generate GraphQL Schema
Please copy and adjust the following snippets of code to the recommended locations.
1. Shared code at: packages/shared/src/codegen/graphql.ts
We recommend to keep it in a shared package so that it could be reused by Lambdas and CDK code.
import SchemaBuilder from 'graphile-build/node8plus/SchemaBuilder';
import { GraphQLInputFieldConfigMap, GraphQLSchema } from 'graphql';
import { GraphQLNonNull } from 'graphql/type/definition';
import { Pool, PoolClient } from 'pg';
import { createPostGraphileSchema } from 'postgraphile';
* Regex patterns for the Tables that will be ommited in generated schema.
const omitTables = [
* Postgraphile plugin to omit tables
const omitTablesPlugin = (builder: SchemaBuilder) => {
builder.hook('build', build => {
const { pgIntrospectionResultsByKind } = build;
.filter((table: any) => table.isSelectable && table.namespace)
.forEach((table: any) => {
if (omitTables.find(p => p.test(table.name))) {
table.tags.omit = true;
return build;
* Postgraphile plugin which forces `NOT NULL` column to be generated
* as Nullable field in graphql schema. Required for Primary Keys that
* use auto-generated default values from sequences.
const forceNullablePlugin = (builder: SchemaBuilder) => {
const forceNullable = (fields: GraphQLInputFieldConfigMap, name: string): void => {
if (fields[name]) {
const field = fields[name];
if (field.type instanceof GraphQLNonNull) {
fields[name].type = field.type.ofType;
builder.hook('GraphQLInputObjectType:fields', fields => {
// Call for each NotNullable field that should be forced as Nullable
forceNullable(fields, 'id');
return fields;
* Generates GraphQL AST for the provided database connection
export async function loadGraphqlSchema(pgConfig: Pool | PoolClient): Promise<GraphQLSchema> {
const simplifyInflectorPlugin = require('@graphile-contrib/pg-simplify-inflector');
return await createPostGraphileSchema(pgConfig, ['public'], {
appendPlugins: [omitTablesPlugin, simplifyInflectorPlugin, forceNullablePlugin],
graphileBuildOptions: {
pgOmitListSuffix: true,
pgShortPk: true,
pgSimplifyAllRows: true,
ignoreIndexes: false,
ignoreRBAC: true,
legacyRelations: 'omit',
simpleCollections: 'omit',
hideIndexWarnings: true,
2. Sample tooling script: bin/appsync-schema.ts
constant containing the path to the schema output file.
import yargs from 'yargs';
import { SecretsManager } from 'aws-sdk';
import { readFileSync, writeFileSync } from 'fs';
import { mkdirpSync } from 'fs-extra';
import { dirname } from 'path';
import { Client, Pool } from 'pg';
import { GraphQLSchema, printSchema } from 'graphql';
// NOTE: see 'Shared Code` part
import { loadGraphqlSchema } from 'shared';
* Converts schema into AppSync compatible format.
function exportSchema(schema: GraphQLSchema): void {
const { convertSchemas } = require('appsync-schema-converter');
const origSchema = printSchema(schema, { commentDescriptions: true })
.replace(/(\s|\[)BigInt/g, '$1Int')
.replace(/(\s|\[)BigFloat/g, '$1Float')
.replace(/(\s|\[)Cursor/g, '$1String')
.replace(/(\s|\[)Time/g, '$1String')
.replace(/(\s|\[)Datetime/g, '$1String')
.replace(/scalar .*\n/g, '')
.replace(/ *#.*\n/g, '')
.replace(/\n *\n/g, '\n');
const appSyncSchema = convertSchemas(origSchema, {
commentDescriptions: true,
includeDirectives: true,
writeFileSync(APPSYNC_SCHEMA_PATH, appSyncSchema);
console.info('Generated AppSync schema:', APPSYNC_SCHEMA_PATH);
* Retrieves DB password from AWS Secret Manager
async function readSecret(secretArn: string): Promise<string> {
const sm = new SecretsManager();
return await sm
.getSecretValue({ SecretId: secretArn })
.then(value => value.SecretString!)
.catch(reason => {
throw reason;
* Creates DB connection string using values stored in CDK context
async function createDatabaseUrl(env: string): Promise<string> {
const ctx = JSON.parse(readFileSync('cdk.context.json').toString());
const params = ctx.databaseParameters;
const secret = await readSecret(params.secretArn);
// Prepend database name with environment prefix
const dbname = `${env}-${params.name}`;
return `postgres://${params.user}:${secret}@${params.endpointAddress}:${params.port}/${dbname}`;
* Main entrypoint that triggers schema code generation and handles result.
async function generateGraphqlSchema(env: string) {
const pgPool = new Pool({
connectionString: await createDatabaseUrl(env)
.then(() => process.exit(0))
.catch((err: Error) => {
'Generates GraphQL Schema for AWS AppSync',
yargs => {
{ demandOption: true, describe: 'environment prefix' }
args => {
void generateGraphqlSchema(args.env);
The CDK context structure used by sample script:
"databaseParameters": {
"endpointAddress": "<AURORA_DB_ENDPOINT>",
"secretArn": "<SECRET_MANAGER_ARN>",
"port": 5432,
ts-node bin/appsync-schema.ts --env=<ENVIRONMENT_PREFIX>
GraphQL Schema Deployment
Deploy AppSync and GraphQL schema generated in the previous step:
// Create
this.appSync = new CfnGraphQLApi(this, 'MyGraphqlApi', {
name: `${Stack.of(this).stackName}-api`,
// authenticationType: 'AMAZON_COGNITO_USER_POOLS',
userPoolConfig: {
// configure cognito user pool if needed
// Read generated graphql schema file
this.appSyncSchemaDef = readFileSync(APPSYNC_SCHEMA_PATH).toString();
// Deploy generated graphql schema
new CfnGraphQLSchema(this, 'MyGraphqlSchema', {
apiId: this.graphqlApi.attrApiId,
definition: this.appSyncSchemaDef,
Direct Lambda Resolvers
The reason why we are not using usual request/response VTL mapping templates described in the best way by AWS AppSync Docs:
Superficially, the mapping template bypass operates similarly to using certain mapping templates, as shown in the preceding examples. However, behind the scenes, the evaluation of the mapping templates are circumvented entirely. As the template evaluation step is bypassed, in some scenarios applications might experience less overhead and latency during the response when compared to a Lambda function with a response mapping template that needs to be evaluated.
So it is just enough to create our Lambda Resolver:
import 'source-map-support/register';
import { Callback, Context } from 'aws-lambda';
import { graphql, GraphQLSchema } from 'graphql';
import { Pool } from 'pg';
import { withPostGraphileContext } from 'postgraphile';
import {
} from 'shared';
interface Dictionary<T> {
[key: string]: T;
* Payload structure passed by Direct Lambda Resolver.
type AppSyncPayload = {
identity?: {
claims: Dictionary<any>;
username: string;
request: {
headers: Dictionary<any>;
arguments: Dictionary<any>;
info: {
selectionSetList?: string[];
selectionSetGraphQL: string;
parentTypeName: string;
fieldName: string;
variables: Dictionary<any>;
* Creates DB connection from lambda environment variable.
function createDatabaseConnection(): Pool {
Log.trace('Creating new DB connection');
return new Pool({
connectionString: process.env.DATABASE_URL,
// this ensures the pool can drop a connection if it has gone bad
min: 0,
// no need for more since we are in Lambda-land
max: 1,
* Reconstructs missing graphql query parts that was removed by AppSync.
function createGraphqlSource(params: AppSyncPayload): string {
let argsIfExist = '';
if (Object.keys(params.arguments).length > 0) {
const values = Object.assign({}, params.arguments);
const append: string[] = [''];
// special handling for 'orderBy' (convert string to enum)
const orderBy: string[] = values['orderBy'];
if (orderBy) {
delete values.orderBy;
let args = JSON.stringify(values)
// remove starting {
.replace(/^{/, '')
// remove closing }
.replace(/}$/, '')
// remove double-quotes from keys
.replace(/"([\w\d_]+)":/g, '$1:');
if (append.length > 1) {
args += append.join(',');
argsIfExist = `(${args})`;
return (
`${params.info.parentTypeName.toLowerCase()} {\n` +
`${params.info.fieldName}${argsIfExist} ` +
let schema: GraphQLSchema;
let pgPool: Pool;
* GraphQL Resolver Lambda.
export const handler = async (event: AppSyncPayload, context: Context, callback: Callback): Promise<void> => {
// Skip waiting for event loop and return response immediately
context.callbackWaitsForEmptyEventLoop = false;
// Cache connection pool between invocations
if (!pgPool) {
pgPool = createDatabaseConnection();
// Cache graphql schema AST between invocations
if (!schema) {
schema = await loadGraphqlSchema(pgPool);
const source = createGraphqlSource(event);
Log.trace('SOURCE:', source);
const pgCallback = (ctx: any) => graphql(schema, source, event.info.parentTypeName, { ...ctx });
const result = await withPostGraphileContext({ pgPool }, pgCallback);
if (result.errors) {
Log.error('ERROR:', result.errors);
Log.debug('RESULT:', JSON.stringify(result, null, 2));
callback(null, result.data ? result.data[event.info.fieldName] : null);
Deploy Lambdas and Resolvers
Few important notes:
- It will use the AppSync application instance deployed in the previous step
- Resources will be divided into 2 inner stacks to overcome the CloudFormation limitation of 200 resources per stack.
stack - for GraphQLMutation
type Resolvers -
stack - for GraphQLQuery
type Resolvers
- Each stack will deploy its own set of Direct Lambda Resolvers wired up with Resolver Lambda Function and Data Source.
* Iterates on the GraphQL object type and creates Direct Lambda Resolver for each field.
private createResolvers(stack: NestedStack, type: GraphQLObjectType, dataSource: CfnDataSource): void {
Object.keys(type.getFields()).forEach(fieldName => {
const resolver = new CfnResolver(stack, `${fieldName}`, {
apiId: this.portalAppSync.attrApiId,
dataSourceName: dataSource.attrName,
kind: 'UNIT',
typeName: type.name,
fieldName: fieldName,
* Helper to configure DB connection string.
private createDatabaseUrl(): string {
const params = this.node.tryGetContext('databaseParameters')!;
const secret = Secret.fromSecretAttributes(this, 'DatabaseCredentials', {
secretArn: params.secretArn,
const name = `${this.node.tryGetContext('env')}-${PROJECT_NAME}`.toLowerCase();
return (
`postgres://${params.user}:${secret.secretValue.toString()}` +
* Creates nested stacks each having own set of Direct Lambda Resolvers
* wired up with Resolver Lambda Function and Data Source.
private createNestedLambdas(): void {
// GraphQL schema AST
const schema = buildSchema(this.appSyncSchemaDef, {
allowLegacySDLEmptyFields: true,
allowLegacySDLImplementsInterfaces: true,
assumeValid: true,
assumeValidSDL: true,
commentDescriptions: true,
// Common asset with compiled lambda code
const appSyncAsset = Code.fromAsset(...);
// Common lambda properties
const lambdaProps = {
code: appSyncAsset,
runtime: Runtime.NODEJS_12_X,
timeout: Duration.seconds(60),
vpc: this.vpc,
layers: [this.nodejsLayer, this.sharedLayer],
environment: {
DATABASE_URL: this.dbUrl(),
const queryStack = new NestedStack(this, `Queries`);
const queryLambda = new Function(queryStack, 'QueryLambda', {
handler: 'query.handler',
const queryDataSource = new CfnDataSource(queryStack, 'QueryDataSource', {
name: 'QueryLambda',
type: 'AWS_LAMBDA',
apiId: this.appSync.attrApiId,
serviceRoleArn: this.appSyncRole.roleArn,
lambdaConfig: {
lambdaFunctionArn: queryLambda.functionArn,
this.createResolvers(queryStack, schema.getQueryType()!, queryDataSource);
const mutationStack = new NestedStack(this, `Mutations`);
const mutationLambda = new Function(mutationStack, 'MutationLambda', {
handler: 'query.handler',
const mutationDataSource = new CfnDataSource(mutationStack, 'MutationDataSource', {
name: 'MutationLambda',
type: 'AWS_LAMBDA',
apiId: this.appSync.attrApiId,
serviceRoleArn: this.appSyncRole.roleArn,
lambdaConfig: {
lambdaFunctionArn: mutationLambda.functionArn,
this.createResolvers(mutationStack, schema.getMutationType()!, mutationDataSource);
Sample query using Amplify:
const listTeams = gql`
query listTeams($customerId: Int!) {
teams(condition: { customerId: $customerId }, orderBy: [ID_ASC]) {
API.graphql(graphqlOperation(listTeams, { customerId: 111 }))
.then(value => {
console.debug('Received: ', value);
return value.data!['teams'] as Team[];
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